Neolamprologus pulcher
"Daffodil or Yellow Daffodil"
Substrate spawner, actually spawns in some kind of cave
Parents are a pair, tank raised
Fry were free swimming on January 27.
At 34 days (today) have approximately 40 fry
Conditions: 20Long tank, pH 8.6, hardness and Nitrate not measured, temperature about 79F, tap water conditioned with Seachem Cichlid Lake Salts to the bottle instructions for Lake Tanganyika (1 tablespoon to 20/gallons) and Seachem Tanganyika buffer (2 Tablespoons/20 gallons) the salts and buffer are added during water changes to replacement water. Water changes every week or every other week, about 50%. Filtration is an aquaclear 20 HOB filter and also a sponge filter.
Decor is various plastic ornaments and some rocks. Spawning took place in a Marina Egyptian Vase. Bare bottom tank, cheap LED lighting, on 6.5 hours per day, plus low natural light for part of the day.
Fry receive golden pearls starting at 50-100 micron and larger as they grow. Also Cobalt "smartemia" and also frozen baby brine shrimp. Parents receive NLS TheraA+ 1mm pellet food. Fry sometimes receive frozen Repashy "Spawn and Grow" or "Grub Pie". Fry are fed twice per day and adults once per day.