Scientific Name of Fish: Ancistrus dolichopterus
Hobby Name of Fish: Starlight ancistrus, L183
Method of Reproduction: Cave spawner
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: Reverse trio (MMF)
Origin of Parents: Wild caught
Approximate number of eggs or fry: Probably started as about 40 eggs, but I noticed the male (first time dad) eating them, so I put them in a tumbler. End result was about 10 fry. Only 6 or survived to eating-age.
Date of Hatch or Birth* June 2021
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched June 2021
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: 4
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: 4
Aquarium Conditions:
pH (0 to 14): 6.0-7.0
General Hardness (ppm)
Average Temperature (F) 80-82
Salinity (if brackish or marine)
Average Nitrate (ppm)
Aquarium Size (L X W X H and Gallons) 40 gallon breeder
Water Source Mix of tap and RO
Water Changes (how much and how often) 50% every 2-4 weeks.
Filtration System(s): Air driven sponge.
Additives (Salt, iron, etc.)
Décor (Please include all that apply):
Live Plants
Caves or Similar Hiding Places
Substrate: None.
Lighting Type and Timing: LED strip, 12 hrs/day
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: Algae wafers, Repashy morning wood, Extreme catfish wafers, steamed broccoli, occasional blackworms or frozen foods. Fed every few days.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: Banana leaves, almond leaves, seed pods, root vegetables/tubers, algae wafers, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs.
Hi Becca,
I am doing further research on this topic and will get back to you.