Scientific Name of Fish: Corydoras sp. CW010
Hobby Name of Fish: Gold laser croy
Method of Reproduction: Egg Scatterer
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: I suspect 2 females 5 males, but I'm not 100% sure.
Origin of Parents: Tank raised.
Approximate number of eggs or fry: They tend to drop anywhere from 10-30 eggs a day over a few days, then take a break for a while.
Date of Hatch or Birth: May-June
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched: June & July
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: At least 20 of the older fry, more at smaller sizes.
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: 20+
Aquarium Conditions:
pH (0 to 14): 6-7
General Hardness (ppm)
Average Temperature (F): 68-76 - usually around 74 this time of year. I do not heat these fish.
Salinity (if brackish or marine)
Average Nitrate (ppm)
Aquarium Size (L X W X H and Gallons): 20 gallon long
Water Source: Tap and RO mix
Water Changes (how much and how often): 50% every 3-4 weeks.
Filtration System(s): Air driven sponges.
Additives (Salt, iron, etc.)
Décor (Please include all that apply):
Live Plants
Substrate: Thin layer of sand
Lighting Type and Timing: LED strip, 12 hrs/day
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: mix of flake, pellet, frozen, live blackworms, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, daily.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: Microworms, vinegar eels, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs.
These guys do seem to be influenced by weather and rain. Even if I don't do a water change, they will often spawn when there's a good rain. They tend to spawn most actively in the fall, but the weird weather this year has landed me with some atypical spring and summer egg drops. Sometimes they spawn without water changes or rain, too. They tend to deposit eggs where they're easy to spot and remove (scraping off the glass with a fingernail) and they don't tend to eat them (at least not immediately). I frequently catch the females holding eggs in their pelvic fins, which is a fun thing to witness.
Hello Becca,
This is to confirm that you have been awarded 20 points for your gold laser cory fry.