Name: John Satterlee
Scientific Name of Fish: Corydoras trilineatus
Hobby Name of Fish: Three lined Cory
Method of Reproduction: Egg Deposition
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: 7 adults, at least 2 females with rest males
Origin of Parents: Tank raised, obtained from Frank Cowherd maybe two years ago
Approximate number of eggs or fry: I have seen 3 fry so far
Date of Hatch: unclear
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched: observed 23 Feb 2023
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: TBD
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: TBD
Aquarium Conditions:
pH: 7.2
General Hardness: 150 ppm
Average Temperature (68-74 F)
Salinity: none
Average Nitrate: < 40 ppm
Aquarium Size: 20 gallon long
Water Source: Rockville MD tap water with Seachem Prime
Water Changes: 80% once a month
Filtration System: sponge filter driven by power head
Additives: no crushed coral
Décor: Bolbitis, moneywort, to reduce nitrates. Low opaque glass cave which the adults do not go use but the fry like to hide in.
Substrate: Half the 20 g long has washed pea sized pebbles from Home Depot. The rest of the tank has washed white pool sand
Lighting Type and Timing: Home Depot light, 12 hrs on/12 hrs off
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: Tetra Color Tropical Flakes daily Freshly hatched baby brine shrimp every other day. A couple times a week I feed Hikari algae wafers. I also fed them a bolus of live black worms in the hopes that the black worms would take up residence in the substrate and provide continuous live food.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: same as parents
Other notes: This is the first egg layer I have successfully bred. The parents love the powerhead and “surf” in the current it generates. Presumably there were more fry hatched that were eaten by the parents, so I plan to plant the tank much more heavily in the hopes that the fry from future hatches can hide better to evade predation.
Here are some of the parents surfing in the flow from the powerhead.