Scientific Name of Fish: Corydoras sterbai
Hobby Name of Fish: Sterbai cory
Method of Reproduction: Egg Scatterer
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: 10-12, multigenerational group. Not sure of sexes, but at least 2 BIG females.
Origin of Parents: Tank raised.
Approximate number of eggs or fry: They'll lay anywhere from 10-30 in a day, at least that I find. Usually they'll spawn for several days and then go on a hiatus.
Date of Hatch or Birth: April-June
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched: April-June
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days: Depends on which spawn - Usually about 70-80% of the eggs hatch.
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: If they're alive at 30 they're almost always alive at 60 unless I really screw up.
Aquarium Conditions:
pH (0 to 14): 6-7
General Hardness (ppm)
Average Temperature (F): 80-82
Salinity (if brackish or marine)
Average Nitrate (ppm)
Aquarium Size (L X W X H and Gallons): 40 gallon breeder
Water Source: Tap and RO mix
Water Changes (how much and how often): 50% every 3-4 weeks.
Filtration System(s): Air driven sponges.
Additives (Salt, iron, etc.)
Décor (Please include all that apply):
Live Plants
Caves or Similar Hiding Places
Substrate: None
Lighting Type and Timing: LED strip, 12 hrs/day
Food Fed to Parents and How Often: Flake, pellet, frozen, live blackworms, algae wafers, etc.
Food Fed to Fry and How Often: decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, microworms, vinegar eels.
Hello Becca,
This is to confirm you have received 20 points for your Corydoras sterbai fry.
At 30 days I'd say at least 10. Thereby been many spawns since the one in the report and there are fish of several different sizes/ cohorts all together.
You may also have noticed that I keep different types of fish growing out together. I am working with limited space.