Amatitlania kanna
Reed cichlid/Panamanian convict
Method of Reproduction: Substrate spawner
Number and Gender Distribution of Parents: Pair
Origin of Parents: Tank raised
Approximate number of eggs or fry*: ~150
Date of Hatch or Birth* (MM/DD/YYYY): N/A, spawned 3/6/22
Date of Free Swimming If Hatched (MM/DD/YYYY): N/A
Approx. Number of Fry at 30 Days*: N/A
Approx. Number of Fry at 60 Days: N/A
Aquarium Conditions:
pH (0 to 14): 8
General Hardness (ppm): unknown but aragonite added to Frederick tap
Average Temperature (F): 80 F
Salinity (if brackish or marine): N/A
Average Nitrate (ppm): 10 ppm
Aquarium Size (L X W X H and Gallons): 30 X 12 X 18, 29 gallons
Water Source: tap
Water Changes (how much and how often): 50% biweekly
Filtration System(s): aqueon quietflow LED HOB + double sponge rated for up to 50 gallons
Additives (Salt, iron, etc.): Aragonite
Décor (Please include all that apply):
Live Plants: vallisneria
Plastic Plants: N/A
Wood: beech branches + random unknown driftwood found in the woods
Leaves: oak leaves
Caves or Similar Hiding Places: stream rocks + driftwood
Spawning mop: N/A
Substrate (Gravel/Pea size gravel/Sand/None/Other; Please Specify): aragonite under play sand
Lighting Type and Timing: aquaneat 12" LED, 16 hours a day
Food Fed to Parents and How Often*: tetra tropical color enhancing crisps
Food Fed to Fry and How Often* : N/A

Comments and Additional Information
Breeds like a standard convict, lays less eggs, significantly less aggressive than actual nigrofasciata. Only slightly more aggressive than adult nanolutea as subadults themselves.
Currently lives with eastern mosquitofish (gambusia holbrooki), buenos aires tetras (hyphessobrycon anisitsi), amatitlania myrnae, and a banjo catfish (bunocephalus corycoideus)