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Furthering the hobby by the dissemination of information and advice

Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp
The first (successful) try at raising shrimp of a fish-only hobbyist By Don Kinyon First off, let me say that the miniature shrimp coming...
Nannastomus Mortenthaleri -- the “Coral Red” Pencil Fish
By Don Kinyon A very colorful small characin from the Rio Nanay basin in Peru, the “coral red pencil fish” or Nannostomus mortenthaleri...
Boraras Urophthalmoides -- the “Exclamation Point Rasbora”
By Don Kinyon A tiny jewel from Thailand Kottelat 1991 It’s always a good rule to know a new fish’s needs before you decide to take it...
The Best Sunnie in the Show [Sunfishes]
by Bob Bock Many native fish are like spring flowers. Tulips, daffodils, and crocuses erupt from the earth in late March or early April,...
Tucanoichthys tucano, the Tucano Tetra
By Don Kinyon A relatively new addition to the hobby, the tetra Tucanoichthys tucano was described by Gery and Romer in 1997. It’s still...
The HY511 Tetra: Hyphessobrycon Species: "Candy Cane" Tetra
By Don Kinyon One of my favorite pet shops is a very small independent store that stocks mostly the bread-and-butter varieties of...
Tanichthys albonubes 'White Clouds'
by Francine Bethea The White Cloud comes from the White Cloud Mountains in Canton, China. Probably all of the White Clouds available...
Nannostomus beckfordi - Guenther 1872
by David Snell My three trios of N beckfordi came from the Aquarium Center in September 2000. Nannostomus beckfordi are found in the...
My Experience Raising Red-tail Half Black Guppies
by Lorne E Williams After having been out of the tropical fish hobby for about ten years I bought two pairs of guppies at the PVAS...
Poecilia reticulata: Guppy
by Gene Moy Guppies are reported to have started many in the aquarium hobby. They are enduring favorites at the PVAS auctions. Many...
Hemigrammus ocellifer - Steindachner 1863
by David Snell I purchased a pair of Head-and-Tail Light tetras from the Centreville Aquarium shop in late October 2000. I put them into...
Hemigrammus erythrozonus (Glowlight Tetra)
by David Snell Ever since I started keeping fish back in ’93 I have been keeping tetras in at least one of my tanks. It was not until the...
The Black-banded Sunfish, Fragile Jewel of the East
by Bob Bock Imagine a fish that looks like a cross between an angel fish and a tiger barb, but with a gentler nature than either species....
Leopard Danio, [Danio reiro] Brachydanio frankei (Meinken, 1963)
by R. Shane Linder The leopard danio is one of the most common danios found in pet stores. The fish is an overall metallic gold with...
Pearl Danio, [Danio] Brachydanio albolineatus (Blyth, 1860)
by R. Shane Linder The pearl danio is, to me, the prettiest of all common, small danios. The fish is an overall blue-silver with a...
Betta Lessons
by Leslie Keefer Occasionally as we progress in a hobby, we lose touch with the magical aspects that drew us to that activity in the...
Belonesox belizanus, The Pike Livebearer
by John Mangan Belonesox belizanus is the only member of its genus and is a relatively large, for a livebearer, predatory fish. They can...
Badis Badis
by Don Kinyon One of the fish that’s been around the hobby for years and years is the Nandid from India, the Badis badis. It’s sometimes...
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