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Furthering the hobby by the dissemination of information and advice

Corydoras Atropersonatus: The “Fairy Corydoras”
By Don Kinyon Corydoras atropersonatus has been around the hobby for a long time, but never seemed to be common in pet stores or even in...

Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp
The first (successful) try at raising shrimp of a fish-only hobbyist By Don Kinyon First off, let me say that the miniature shrimp coming...
Creating A Living Will For Your Fish
By Raychel Upright As aquarists, we spend considerable amounts of time with our fish and inverts. Many of us have special bonds with...

Laetacara Araguaiae: Breeding the “Purple Smiler”
By Don Kinyon This hobbyist has always had a weakness for the Laetacara species, probably because Aequidens curviceps (now Laetacara...

Corydoras CW114: A Color Variety of C. sipaliwini
By Don Kinyon An attractive Corydoras from the rivers of Suriname and Guyana, CW114 has been proven to be a color variety of Corydoras...

Simple And Cheap DIY Brine Shrimp Hatchery
By Jim Chitty Threw these pictures together rather quickly so please bear with me. This is the simple setup I have for hatching brine...
Aquarium Use of Potassium Permanganate
By Frank Cowherd, Michael Barber, and Ben Chou (extracted from PVAS forum thread) You can buy KMnO4 = potassium permanganate at a lot of...
DIY Fluidized Sand Bed (Biological Filter)
By Jim Chitty I ran across a Youtube video on the DIY Fishkeepers (Joey) and remembered I had a commercial version of one of these about...
Nannastomus Mortenthaleri -- the “Coral Red” Pencil Fish
By Don Kinyon A very colorful small characin from the Rio Nanay basin in Peru, the “coral red pencil fish” or Nannostomus mortenthaleri...
Boraras Urophthalmoides -- the “Exclamation Point Rasbora”
By Don Kinyon A tiny jewel from Thailand Kottelat 1991 It’s always a good rule to know a new fish’s needs before you decide to take it...
Euthanizing Fish
By Patchin Curtis (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) After enjoying Sherry's delightful presentation on ways to kill goldfish (very...
Using Alum to Control Snails
By Frank Cowherd (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) One way to treat plants that have insects, hydra or snails that you do not want is...
Using Fenbendazole to Control Hydra
By Frank Cowherd (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) The easiest way to get rid of hydra is with fenbendazole. Go to a Tractor Store and...
Use of ProForm-C to Control Parasites
By Patchin Curtis (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) Barbie Fiorentino gave a fascinating talk on Loricariidae in which she described...
Apistogramma urteagai: Collecting, Keeping and Breeding a wild Apisto
By Don Kinyon Habitat and Collection Photos By David Snell I’ve said it many times before, but I’ll repeat myself with the risk of being...
Apistogramma Tucurui: The Apisto in the Pin-Striped Suit
By Don Kinyon The number of Apistogramma species that goes on my “need” list seems to increase exponentially for some reason, but this...
DIY Repashy Gel Food Holder
By Jim Chitty (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) Thought I would pass along this little item I made to hold Repashy gel foods in my...
Maintain An Ice-Free Hole In The Ice On Your Pond
By Frank Cowherd (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) So it is never too late to put a hole in the ice on your pond. We came back from...
Uses For A TDS Meter
By Frank Cowherd A TDS meter is a great tool for any fish room. TDS is total dissolved salts. Basically, it measures metal ions like...
Quick, Effective (and Ugly) Tank Brace
By Don Kinyon (extracted from a PVAS forum thread) After water changes were done last week, I was feeding the fish and heard a load...
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